Prosegur and Prosegur Cash, The First Private Security Companies to Obtain and Publish the S&P Global Ratings ESG Evaluation
The report, drawn up by S&P Global Ratings, assessed positively many activities implemented by Prosegur and Prosegur Cash in the environmental, social and corporate governance spheres.

Madrid, (June 21, 2022) – Prosegur and Prosegur Cash are the first private security companies in the world to obtain and publish their S&P Global Ratings’ ESG Evaluations. These Evaluations assess a company’s ESG strategy and ability to prepare for potential future ESG risks and opportunities.
Following this analysis, S&P Global Ratings has awarded a score of 62/100 to Prosegur and of 64/100 to Prosegur Cash. The rating agency has positively rated the environmental actions of both Prosegur and Prosegur Cash, specifically highlighting those related to the management of greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and pollution. Regarding the social profile of both companies, the report highlights their commitment to the customer, in addition to highlighting their corporate governance activity in aspects such as the definition of and compliance with codes and values, and their information and transparency policy.
Both Prosegur and Prosegur Cash obtained ratings in line with the achievable average scores for the sectors and regions in which they operate. This voluntary analysis exercise will allow the two companies to track performance over time and, in turn, help guide and improve their engagement in these areas.
According to Antonio Rubio, Secretary-General of Prosegur, "at Prosegur, we are aware that our leadership in the private security sector implies a series of social, ethical and environmental demands. This translates into specific actions that, in turn, must be supervised and validated by independent entities. As a result of this commitment, we are strengthening our presence in some of the most internationally recognised indices and ratings. In addition, we want to further increase our presence in these indices in line with the objectives of our Sustainability Master Plan. Our decision to publish our ESG Evaluation demonstrates our commitment to this goal."
The four pillars that underpin the Prosegur Sustainability Master Plan
In 2021, Prosegur took a further step in fully assuming its corporate responsibility with the integration of ESG criteria into its business model and the approval of its Sustainability Master Plan, an action guide that establishes 63 initiatives encompassed in four key pillars (Ethics, Transparency and Governance; People; Safe Work and the Environment). These are inspired by the United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), a reference framework for global sustainability.
According to the S&P Global Ratings reports, Prosegur and Prosegur Cash have demonstrated a great capacity to use their resources, both internal and external, to respond to changes in their ever more complex and challenging area of activity, identifying opportunities and capitalising on these changes.
About Prosegur
Prosegur is a global benchmark in the private security sector. With its business lines - Prosegur Security, Prosegur Cash, Prosegur Alarms, Prosegur AVOS and Cipher - it provides businesses and households with the security you can trust based on the most advanced solutions available on the market. A global player with a 2021 turnover of €3,498 million, Prosegur is listed on the Spanish stock exchanges under the PSG ticker, and currently has around 150,000 employees.
Prosegur acts in accordance with the best environmental, social and good governance practises. The company has configured sustainability as a strategic pillar in all its actions with the aim of being the sectoral benchmark. Prosegur also channels social engagement through the Prosegur Foundation, which is involved in four core areas of action: education, job opportunities for persons with intellectual disabilities, corporate volunteering initiatives and the promotion of culture.